It caused a complicated infection, especially in humans, with a weak immune system. On the other hand, many opportunistic bacteria from gram-positive or -negative such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and others, can enter the wounds.
#Calcusyn free skin
Besides, phagocytosis cells such as neutrophils and macrophages in chronic or open skin wounds have a crucial role in the control of bacterial infections. Human skin is covered with microflora it inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria through bacterial interference, nutrient competition, as well as producing metabolites that inhibit pathogen growth. Nevertheless, all open skin wounds are colonized with bacteria this can lead to an extension of the wound healing time. They are caused by many types of stress, including physical, chemical, and mechanical trauma, or triggered by a medical condition (diabetes). Due to the large surface of the skin, it is likely to be injured. Skin wounds are introducing as any interruption in the continuity of the skin. It involved in many functions such as sensation, thermoregulation, and immune functions. The largest organ of the human, with about one-sixth of the total body weight, is skin. Furthermore, this work introduced an effective and new method for the preparation of green antibacterial agents as well as antibiotic-free wound dressings. The prepared prototype, NGelNFs, can be used as a potent antibacterial agent. Interestingly, NGelNFs completely inhibited the growth (~ 0%) of four important human bacteria strains, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumonia. After that, the nanogel was impregnated on the surface of the nanofibers, NGelNFs. Characterization of the nanofibers, including SEM, ATR-FTIR, and contact-angle measurement, were carried out. Also, electrospun nanofibers of polycaprolactone with a mean diameter of 186 ± 36 nm were prepared. Nanogel of CSEO was prepared by the addition of a gelling agent (carbomer 940 2%) to its optimum nanoemulsion with a particle size of 125 ± 4 nm. The ingredients of CSEO were identified by GC-MS analysis with five major components of Limonene (61.83%), trans-p-2, 8-Menthadien-1-ol (4.95%), Trans-Limonene oxide (2.29 %), Cis- Limonene oxide (2.58 %), and trans-Carveol (2.90%). In this study, the essential oil of Citrus sinensis (CSEO) was used as an antibacterial agent. Recently, the development of nano-dressing containing green antibiotics has been received much attention around the world. However, open skin wounds can interfere with the normal function of the skin and the entry of opportunistic bacteria into the body. Skin is the body's first defense line against environmental pathogens.